Common Words and Phrases Used When Applying For or Renewing Your Macedonian Driver’s License

by Eugenie Tiu Radevska
Translation and Driver's License Art

All information provided below are based solely on my experience. It’s an individual account and may not be indicative of how things are presently done. theForeignerin cannot and does not guarantee results. To ensure the accuracy of information and translations, it’s best to consult the staff at the Public Revenue Office.

In one of my earlier posts, I wrote about the basics of the Macedonian language. There, I wrote some of the most used daily expressions, greetings and question words used in Macedonia. But in this post, I’ll be writing some of the common words and phrases you need to know before or when applying for or renewing your Macedonian driver’s license.

As I spend each day outside my home country, I slowly realize that in order to quickly adjust with the language, I should compile a list of common words and phrases used before running a certain errand. That’s why from this post onward, I’ll be writing a series of posts related to a running a specific errand in the Macedonian language.

If you’re interested in the actual procedure, you may check out my other articles on How to Renew Your Macedonian Driver’s license here, and How to Convert Your Foreign Driver’s License to Macedonian Driver’s license here.

Common Words to Expect When Applying for or Renewing Your Macedonian Driver’s License

English WordMacedonian Translation In Macedonian Cyrillic
Application FormFormular za applikacija/
формулар за апликација/Барање
Birth CertificateIzvod na rodeniИзвод на родени
Date of BirthDatum na RaganjeДатум на раѓање
Driver’s licenseVozachka DozvolaВозачка дозвола
Marriage CertificateIzvod na VenchaniИзвод на венчани
Medical CertificateLekarsko UverenieЛекарско уверение
Payment slipUplatnicaУплатница
Personal Identification NumberMatichen BrojМатичен Број
Residence CardLichna KartaЛична Карта
Schedule an AppointmentZakazhuvanje na UslugaЗакажување на Услуга

Sample Statements and Questions

EnglishMacedonian TranslationMacedonian Cyrillic
What’s the procedure to apply for a Macedonian driver’s license?Koja e procedurata za apliciranie za makedonska vozachka dozvola?Која е процедурата за аплицирање за македонска возачка дозвола?
What are the requirements to apply for a Macedonian driver’s license?Koi ce uslovite za apliciranje za Makedonska vozachka dozvola?Кои се условите за аплицирање за македонска возачка дозвола?
Where’s the application form to renew my driver’s license?Kade e formularot za aplikacija za obnovuvanje na mojata vozachka dozvola?Каде е формуларот за апликација за обновување на мојата возачка дозвола?
I’d like to schedule an appointment to submit my application for a driver’s license.Bi sakal da zakazam termin za podnesuvanje na moeto baranje za vozachka dozvola.Би сакал да закажам термин за поднесување на моето барање за возачка дозвола.
How long does it take to process my application?Kolku vreme e potrebno za da se obraboti mojata aplikacija?Колку време е потребно за да се обработи мојата апликација?
When can I pick it up?Koga mozam da ja zemam?Кога можам да ја земам?

Wrapping Up

These words and phrases simply serve as a guide for when you apply for or renew your Macedonian driver’s language. You need more than these if you want to fully express your thoughts and questions.

I’ve compiled a list of Macedonian language instructors and resources for you if you want to learn the language thoroughly. When I renewed my license, my husband was with me throughout the entire process so I had some help anytime I wouldn’t understand something. But as far as my experience goes, these words and processes helped me understand everything much better and I hope it helps you too!

That’s it! What words and phrases do you think you will encounter when applying for or renewing your Macedonian driver’s license? If you’ve applied for one before, go ahead and share your experience with us below!

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